How important is to have a backup - True Story!

During the production of the movie Toy Story 2, an unnamed Pixar employee was doing some routine data cleanup. They wanted to delete some of their files. So they typed this into their command line: bin/rm -r -f *. But they didn't realize that they were running the command inside the server's root folder. Animators knew something was wrong when the files they were working on started vanishing.

They rushed over and unplugged the computer. But it was too late. 90% of the Toy Story 2's files had been deleted. The team was going to have to completely restart the $100,000,000 project. Luckily, one of their animators was working from home after having a baby. She had a 2-week old backup of the data sitting on her desk. After she carefully drove her computer to the office, they were able to restore the database.😌


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